Wednesday 6 May 2015

A 'Classroom' that's continually improving

Google Classroom is now at Edmodo status. Some could have argued, and did, early on that they were just throwing things at the educational wall and seeing what sticks. However, their educational suite is now the most comprehensive system in the cloud. The fact that it works for business also means it should only convince more of its impending longevity. 

Now you can add other teachers to your classroom, a feature very important for staff working collaboratively on students with learning difficulties. Additionally in Maths, like many subjects, we mark assignments across the board. To have this feature means that the markers for our current 'Choose Your Own Assessment' task can now mark all students in the year with ease. Additionally, they have just added mobile marking (for the tablet and phone apps) so educators can provide timely and individualised feedback on any device.

I know several staff who put these feature requests into Google. They don't take too long too long to update features so please provide them with your feedback. It's very easy, click the triple bar on the top left whilst in Classroom, and 'feedback'.

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